Chronicling the Insanity of the Residents of Port Charles…and Sometimes Llanview

Worst 2 for 1 Deal Ever!

So I had a pretty good day. The weather was nice and when I came home from work I spent a little time outside. Then I came in and sat down in front of my computer and all of sudden my day went to hell. ABC in their infinite wisdom has decided to cancel not 1 but 2 of it’s soaps. All My Children will end in September and One Life to Live will follow in January. According to Brian Frons (not that his word is worth anything), General Hospital is “safe for now”. AMC and OLTL will be replaced by The Chew and The Revolution (I will refrain from mocking the name of these replacements…for now).  It is truly a sad day for all soap fans. Since the dawn of the 21st century we have lost Port Charles(2003), Passions(2008), Guiding Light(2009), and As the World Turns(2010). In a little over ten years we’ve gone from 10 soap operas to only 4 starting in January 2012.  Today’s news is just further proof that TPTB have no intention of saving the soap genre. A genre that has been a part of American culture before television even existed. It is truly sad to see shows that I grew up watching with my grandma, my mother, and aunts spin out of control and die without any intervention. My only hope is that one day a brave soul will find a way to reinvent the American soap opera and make it profitable once again.

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